so....toddlerhood is a busy busy time in my life. We spend our days making water balloons, going to the grocery store or Target or gymboree for play or music or Mother's Day out or on a play date or something almost every day. I wonder sometimes if we should just stay home and do nothing and enjoy it. sometimes I feel guilty because we are always on the go..... I can't even imagine how busy we'll be when she's a little older and doing more organized activities.....
On a happy note - we are officially trying for baby #2! I broke down and purchased an ovulation kit last month. Why? Well..... let's just say until this month I had no idea about my "mucus cycle" and thought I was ovulated 48 hours before I am..... anyway, with a small window of opportunity - and my husband's travel schedule.... yes, I'll be disappointed if we aren't pregnant next month - but I at least feel sort of empowered to time it correctly. As in with the little bambina - ultimately it is up to God. If he feels that we are ready for another, He'll give us one. If not, I adore the one I have and will continue to spoil the heck out of her! :)