So.... 2 weeks ago I had to go to North Carolina to check on the rental house. Went overnight with MCR. Happened to be gone one of the nights PJR was actually home. Then, he left again. He came home on Saturday and all three of us overnighted to NC to work on the house. Then.... I left for Florida with MCR. He was gone Thursday, we all got home on Friday for a blissful 36 hours together and he's off again until late Friday. His parents come on Friday to celebrate little miss MCR's 2nd birthday and then he'll be home for a couple days. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? It's almost like having him deployed.... we were both a little sad that he had to go away again this morning as he was walking out the door..... 5 more years and maybe he'll retire and become a civilian!
On a happy note - he did make the "cut" for O6 (Lt. Colonel) and we are currently making our choices in location for a battalion command. I told him my top 3 - Italy, Hawaii and back to ft. Bragg. I don't think his top 3 are the same - probably Ft. Stewart (Savannah, GA), Ft. Bragg (North Carolina) or Ft. Lewis (Tacoma, WA). I won't know until this weekend what he's thinking since he's off on the other side of the world right now - being my hero. :)