So I decided to start writing about our journey to deployment and through it. Now seems as good a time as any to begin. My hubby is about to return from "over there" from what I would consider a "site visit". I guess to see the terrain, get an idea of what's going on and learn and plan over the next few months as they prepare their soldiers to go.
We have this pattern before he leaves for deployments or mini-deployments or whatever. He blames it on me, and I think it's all him. He gets really moody and withdrawn, and I'm starting to think he has some grand expectations of a send off, or a romantic time or some kind of big deal made over the fact that he's leaving. But he actually distances himself by working in the yard, being alone, packing his bags, or whatever activity he can fully immerse himself in before he leaves. Which leaves me feeling slighted. And if he leaves on a Monday or Tuesday, the entire weekend is like that. And I don't like being slighted.
It's weird, but we are not the only ones who go through this. Even to the point of being almost relieved when they do finally leave, just to alleviate the tension.
We did all this right before he left. I'm not sure about how to combat it, or what. But I do know that he really does a good job of compartmentalizing me.... and I'm not a huge fan of it.