Thursday, March 8, 2012


Yesterday I went to the toy store simply for the sake of buying my kids some toys. I don't really ever buy them toys just because. AGR got a toddler sized Thomas roundhouse section and a singing Elmo. MCR got a strawberry shortcake pool and a princess kite.

Tonight, the ladies in our BN are having a coffee - we are playing bunco - what fun! Should be a good time!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Busy Couple Days

No post Monday - I simply ran out of day. I guess that's a good thing the first whole month of this craziness.

We had a "surprise" birthday dinner for one of our friends who turned 40. And she was pleasantly surprised. I was so thankful that she didn't suspect anything when I told her all of our friends were busy. It was a nice evening. Til I got home and the baby woke up at 9 p.m. and was still talking/playing in her crib when I finally put myself to bed at 11:30. 11:30 is not a good "pregnant woman" bedtime, so needless to say, I didn't sleep near long enough last night.

Today we finally got our tax return. I love the new balance in the savings account and can't wait to add to it soon. The chimney sweepers came and cleaned out the chimney - I was hoping they would get/remove a wasps nest, but there was nothing up there and later in the day, we got a wasp. (insert huge groan right here)

So, I called a handyman who is also a firefighter. I hope that he will be able to get up there and at least spray the stupid things out. I am kind of frustrated by the whole thing.....

Its been a quiet day from the hubby. I got one email, so I expect that we are going into a low communication period. Sounds ok to me - I've been so busy and tired, I wouldn't have the energy for him anyway......

until tomorrow. be well.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Boots on the Ground

Well, they made it. They are at their location and almost final destination. I think after a couple days of training, they will start to take over their space and be ready to patrol.

I am a little concerned with the general feeling toward Americans right now. Not that we've ever been popular, but I find it so crazy that people have such an easy time killing each other and hurting each other over religious differences.

I guess it gives me a little more perspective on the freedoms we as Americans enjoy. Whether or not someone agrees with my religion or how I practice it, I don't fear death because of it. Nor would I feel like imposing a death penalty on someone who burns a bible, or even someone who reminds me of the person who did it.

There are things in this life I will never understand. Jesus said to love one another. While it's hard to love some people the way He intended when he said that, I certainly have a much harder time hating them..... I just don't understand it.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Trying to stay busy.....

Only leads to falling asleep on the couch at 8 p.m.

The girls and I had a very busy day today. We started at KrispyKreme getting yummy donuts and milk and coffee and then heading over to Monkey Joe's - where both girls jumped their buns off on all the inflatables. You would never know that AGR was only 15 months old, aside from her size and the fact that she doesn't walk yet. She got kicked and pushed and jumped on and didn't whine a bit until we were in the car heading home.

The best part about this morning was, not only did it give us a nice way to pass time on the slowest, loneliest day of the weekend (and whole week for that matter), but it also gave us time to spend with friends and their kids and give them stuff to look forward to, and do, too. So, we all win!

After several attempts at trying to put AGR down for an actual nap, and not the 15 minute snooze in the car, I gave up and decided to take a short trip to the mall. I checked my phone and MCR got an invitation to go play with a young lady up the street for a bit. Perfect timing - since she had ZERO desire to go to the mall.

Everyone went to bed by 7:30 tonight - and the second I sat down to watch a minute of t.v. I woke up and realized I should not fall asleep with the fireplace going. (Yesterday we had 8 wasps come in, through the chimney I believe, so today I opted to burn the little bastards out of their homes.)

Maybe tomorrow I will focus on cleaning the house.

Friday, February 24, 2012

48 Hours

So, aside from being a little sad, our first couple days have kind of been business as usual around here. Yesterday the weather was gorgeous, so we took the opportunity to go for a short walk up the steep hill in our neighborhood. Then the girls played in all the toys in the garage (and got filthy in the process) while I tried my best to tidy it up a little. ha - tidying with two little tornadoes is really fun - you ought to try it.

My most challenging moment was when I asked MCR to please help me pick up the toys she took out and she politely said, "no thank you". :) I guess still we have some work to do in this department.

I also spent about an hour raking the dead stuff and pulling weeds from our little garden plot. I am always amazed that we can keep a palm tree and a huge, beautiful hydrangea growing there. I don't plan to do a lot of weeding this summer, so I put a good healthy coat of pre-emergent weed control stuff down, too. I'm not sure what veggies to put there, since it's only partial sunlight, but I'm sure I can get SOMETHING to grow.

Speaking of tornadoes, today has been kind of a crazy weather day for us. Thankfully it all looks like it is happening south and east of us, but I can't help but think about all the rough weather we've been through. For whatever reason, I am always alone with my kids freaking out when the weather is like this. Last April, a tornado passed 1/10 of a mile to our west and of course Phil was stuck on the other side of the damage until 10 p.m. that night.

I guess AGR has decided to start working on saying actual words now. Yesterday she managed "CA" which means car. Today, "poof" which means poop. Her new favorite though, is "mama". And not just "mama". But, "mama. mama. mama. mama. mama." And yesterday, she finally did the "stand up without holding onto a piece of furniture" bit for about 3 seconds. I just know she will be walking in no time.

Today's challenge with MCR is that she is having a real hard time following directions and I think she is sensing that in dad's absence, maybe she should push my boundaries. Awesome. :) This too will pass. I just need to be really, really, really consisent with praise and discipline. yeah, me. Single parenting is not for wimps.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I know, I know, OPSEC says you shouldn't post stuff online if you don't want people to know what is going on in your personal life. Well... we have a security alarm and a dog and we lock our doors when we leave, and more often than not, we forget to turn off the t.v. when we are gone, so it always looks like someone is home.

In all seriousness folks, this is the time that I have been dreading since Phil took this job. We spent Friday at the outlet mall shopping and yesterday at the aquarium and beach and in Wilmington, having a nice dinner and just enjoying what "family" time is left before he goes to the "crappiest place on Earth".

Meanwhile, to keep the kiddos and myself busy, I have lots of fun planned. First, we will NOT be going out to dinner in nice places. I don't know if I can even muster a dinner at chickfila with AGR and MCR without another set of hands. AGR wants to get up and move and since she refuses to walk, I can't justify her playing on the floor. Otherwise, I get a little monkey trying to climb on the table and out of the highchair. No fun for a prego mama.

Auntie Marlene will come visit in April, right after Easter. Then Mimi and Peepaw will come visit in May for MCR's dance recital. In June, I plan to use my friend KBW's condo and take some of the ladies to Myrtle Beach for a long weekend. Or maybe she will let us stay a whole week!

If I am feeling up to it, I plan to drive with the kids to TN, AR and NE to see family the last week in June, first week of July. Love spending the 4th in NE with all the kids - even in the chaos. After that, I think I will be too hot and pregnant to want to do much of anything besides get MCR ready for kindergarten and wait for daddy to return.

But, we will be good. I love my kiddos and have lots of fun with them. So, despite being tired, my goal is to be extra nice to both of them.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby Steps

Today I received a reply from my "friend". The response was a non-commital "can't deal with this right now", which in a way doesn't even matter. I never expected much, but was kind of trying to get my own "house" in order if you will.

My only goal in writing it was to of course apologize for my part so that I can let it go, and then to get the acknowledgement that it was received. That alone was enough to put my mind at ease about the whole thing. I think I am working from anger and hard heartedness to empathy, sympathy and in a way, pity. Much less emotional energy spent on these than constant upset, anger and resentment.

Objective achieved. Apology sent. Apology received. Apology not necessarily accepted, but that's ok. Any kind of relationship is up to her, but I finally feel like I've been released from the grip of the resentment........ DEEP, CLEANSING BREATH......... and onto the next thing.......

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 - a new year

So today I extended an olive branch to an old friend in hopes of repairing or at least salvaging a part of the relationship we once had. One of my goals this year is to be a little less proud and a little more forgiving, empathetic and understanding. I know this sounds like a tall order, but I think it's really a frame of mind or a state of the heart. Time to remove some of the hard, outer shell or crusty part of my heart in order to be a kinder, gentler me.

It's been a few years since I really focused on who I am and who I want to be. I've been really caught up in being someone's mom, someone's wife, someone's mentor, someone's employee. I think the last real time I made such a conscious effort was before I met and married my husband, so I'm probably a little over-due.

I haven't really talked this over with him either. He will be gone for most of the year, and I hope he returns to a less critical, more supportive friend and someone he wants to spend time with. I realize this could be perceived as a selfish motive - since he does spend an awful lot of time at work. I know part of the reason is that there is something fulfilling to him about what he does, and while I can't replicate all of that fulfilment at home, I would like to make home a more loving place for all of us.

And the conclusion that I have come to is that it will have to start with me. Just as in everything I've ever done, my heart has to be in the right place, being "fed" properly, and then what comes out my mouth will reflect that.......

Stay tuned. I also hope to spend more time writing my blog this year, so hopefully you will find some worthy tidbits this year.....