So, aside from being a little sad, our first couple days have kind of been business as usual around here. Yesterday the weather was gorgeous, so we took the opportunity to go for a short walk up the steep hill in our neighborhood. Then the girls played in all the toys in the garage (and got filthy in the process) while I tried my best to tidy it up a little. ha - tidying with two little tornadoes is really fun - you ought to try it.
My most challenging moment was when I asked MCR to please help me pick up the toys she took out and she politely said, "no thank you". :) I guess still we have some work to do in this department.
I also spent about an hour raking the dead stuff and pulling weeds from our little garden plot. I am always amazed that we can keep a palm tree and a huge, beautiful hydrangea growing there. I don't plan to do a lot of weeding this summer, so I put a good healthy coat of pre-emergent weed control stuff down, too. I'm not sure what veggies to put there, since it's only partial sunlight, but I'm sure I can get SOMETHING to grow.
Speaking of tornadoes, today has been kind of a crazy weather day for us. Thankfully it all looks like it is happening south and east of us, but I can't help but think about all the rough weather we've been through. For whatever reason, I am always alone with my kids freaking out when the weather is like this. Last April, a tornado passed 1/10 of a mile to our west and of course Phil was stuck on the other side of the damage until 10 p.m. that night.
I guess AGR has decided to start working on saying actual words now. Yesterday she managed "CA" which means car. Today, "poof" which means poop. Her new favorite though, is "mama". And not just "mama". But, "mama. mama. mama. mama. mama." And yesterday, she finally did the "stand up without holding onto a piece of furniture" bit for about 3 seconds. I just know she will be walking in no time.
Today's challenge with MCR is that she is having a real hard time following directions and I think she is sensing that in dad's absence, maybe she should push my boundaries. Awesome. :) This too will pass. I just need to be really, really, really consisent with praise and discipline. yeah, me. Single parenting is not for wimps.
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