Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mommy Burnout

I am experiencing major mommy burn out today. and yesterday. and probably tomorrow. I am tired. my daughter isn't napping. I can do nothing except play with a 2 year old. Not that it's bad, but my brain begins turning to jello around 11 a.m. And then normally, naptime comes and I can do something like a big girl and refresh and be ok for the rest of the day. And then normally, around 6:30 daddy comes in and gives me a big person to talk to and my brain begins to re-calcify and I become an adult again. And then normally, daddy will do bath time. And that gives mommy another moment to be an adult.

October sucks for us in terms of daddy being gone. He's gone all but 7 days. Have I mentioned that he was supposed to only travel about 50% of the time? Well.... 50% turned to 75% and 75% is turning into 90%. Did I mention that this sucks? Not to be a debbi downer, but if I wanted to be a single parent, I probably could have been. And it will get better for a little bit and then we'll probably have another deployment..... and be in a foreign country where no one will be visiting us........ yeah, I guess that probably wasn't the best idea as a first choice - and there's always the fact the Army does what the Army wants with your life...... so we could end up at Ft. Riley.....

Anyway.... burned out. Need something. Just not sure what it is.


  1. You need prayer! I'll give you some. You also need a really good friend to call once a day, or everyother day while hubby is gone to stimulate your mind.

    Thinking of you lots!

  2. This sounds exactly like my life and how I feel. Except, my wife doesn't do baths or anything like that. When she gets home around 6:30, I have supper ready and then do all the kitchen cleanup, then give the kids baths and after that I'm continue doing laundry. Some nights I don't make it to bed until 4am and then I'm back up at 7:30 to do it all over again. And, right now, my kids won't take naps. It's more than frustrating and stressful for me. Thanks for letting me vent on your blog.
