Saturday, March 14, 2009

Old Blog link

well, I went down memory lane with our neighbor Stephanie and looked at the old blogspot AND looked at my old email account and saw an email from Tina about her daily read..... I honestly don't know if I have lacked ingenuity or just have been too busy to write, but I love writing my blog and need to get back to it. Having children really stifles some creativity, while invoking other areas of creativity. For instance, I never knew how much fun it was to play. I love playing. Whether singing songs or just goofing around, I love playing with my daughter. I don't have a yard anymore and so no more snake stories...... but I do have plenty of parenting issues that come up every day.

For instance, I should really, really, really be more consistent in applying the "stay in the kitchen with that" rule. Normally it applies to grape juice, grape soda, strawberries, raspberries and anything that can stain. But, somedays it doesn't apply to anything because I know whatever it is will come out with OXY.

on that note, need to head to sleepy.... can't wait to see cousin tina in DC in a couple weeks.....

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I feel so special. I made the blog! I can't wait to hang out with you and meet one of the newest editions to the family. Have you checked out the adoption pics on my facebook. Friday the 13th (kinda appropriate) was the day my sister became "my sister"
