Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why won't my car stay clean?

So, I used to be what I thought was very efficient at things. My car was always relatively clean, minus a few papers or whatever work happened to be in there. I could make or at least find time to clean the darn thing. Now I have Teddy Grahams, Cheerios, dried milk and juice plus goodness knows what all over the back seat. Plus, the console has coupons, snacks, nutrigrain bars, old sippy cups full of some liquid, maybe a day old diet coke or cup of coffee, my handsfree (yes, I still have the wire...) device, an ipod and it's plug in dock thingy..... and of course, my 3 ring coupon binder plus all the ads from all the stores so I leave no free item behind!

The back of the car has all those reusable shopping bags, a crate with diapers, wipes, a bucket, seashells, a stuffed horse, a beach bag, a stroller, a gallon of water and a couple of those reusable shopping bags full of toys! Plus layers and layers of dog hair for when our neighbor isn't home to watch MCR when I have to take the dogs poop in the rain.....

Let's not forget to mention the layer of grime on the outside, plus all the goobers on the glass on the inside. Now, I took the car to the carwash for the first time in at least 12 months back in January. Surprisingly, it wasn't near as dirty as it seems to be now. It hadn't snowed or anything then - so maybe all this nastiness is leftover salt and sludge from our winter snow a couple weeks ago.

That's not the only thing I can't get to anymore. I seriously lack motivation to pick up toys. I take a couple days off and then I feel motivated to clean, organize, etc. Yes, I try to get her to do it herself, but she's still learning.... and it's a long process. I also seem to accumulate piles of dishes because I can't unload the dishwasher without someone "helping" me or wanting me to "pick you up" while I'm doing anything in the kitchen.

And here I am, partaking in one of my biggest distractions - being online..... Maybe I should take a couple days off from my online life and just do some of these things I can't otherwise get to..... but that doesn't sound like as much fun, does it?

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